Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Been messin' around on my laptop.....looking at small C-Class type that I just might be able to drive. Reading blogs...especially one where it is a woman traveling along...or with a small furbaby. Wonder how my 'Boo" would like it???


Oh...yes...and this is my grandson Skyler - ready for his first day of preschool.  I really need to go see my son and his family in Colorado.  I miss them so much!

1 comment:

  1. You asked on my blog if I'm going to get rid of Olivia and my answer is no, for now. I love driving the View and I'm very comfortable driving it. The View is built on a Dodge Sprinter chassis with a Mercedes engine and there were three other RVs on the same chassis by different manufacturer's at the rv maintenance boot camp I went to. I think that says a lot for that model. It's a Class C but it sits up a lot higher than most Class C's and I love the visibility.

    After I get to Arizona I need to determine if I truly want to full-time it or just take short trips whenever I want. I think if I decide to full-time it I'll go for a Class A. If I decide on short trips then I'll stick with Olivia.


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