Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

Killens Pond camping in Delaware...

As I was going through my pictures I came upon some from my wonderful trip back east to visit family.
  • First I was in Virginia to visit with my daughter Michele and my son Tom and his family joined us there.
  • Then I drove to Delaware in my car rental to visit nieces and nephews and my Uncle Gene. My niece and nephews went camping with me and their children to Killens Pond Delaware State Park. I really enjoyed the camping, kyaking, visiting with family.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My daughters and grandson!

On Christmas Eve in San Diego my daughter Terry (green sweater), grandson Jonathan, and daughter Michele got together at Terry and Michele's Dad's home. They sent me this picture! I really miss being nearer to our children!!!!
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh mind works in mysterious ways!

I don't know where to mind is spinning. First I guess I'll say I believe everything in ones life happens for a reason...everything! I think maybe we individually can alter events in our lives consciously or unconsciously...or maybe not? But my life journey...I believe for me that is the case. Most importantly...I have a strong faith in God...and I believe that people come into and out of our lives...touch our lives...for a reason...and we don't even know why! In the following text when I say ...for a reason. I realize that I had my own conscious reasons, but I feel there were other reasons with which I may not have been in touch. When I agreed to move across country with my husband and children in 1980...for a reason; even my choices of where I worked...
  • a wonderful Social Service Agency-Harmonium as an office manager for awhile...for a reason. Several specific people touched my life there...for a reason; and when I made the decision to separate from and then divorce my husband....for a reason;
I left Harmonium and went back to college...for a reason; even my choices of where I worked.....
  • part-time office manager at a Architect's office while I went back to college;
  • Executive Assistant at UCSD Department of Psychiatry;
  • Senior Executive Assistant for CEO and COO at a several BioTech companies;
  • Alpine-Viejas Kumeyaay Reservation in Tribal Government where I was Assistant to the Tribal Government Manager...for a reason. Yes, all for a reason!!
All this time I grew in faith...and in spirit....special people touched my life throughout my "life journey"...and I learned from them valuable lessons of life. All the while I felt God was guiding me and looking over me. Like it is said......yours is not the only footprint in the sand even when you think it is....He is with you! Even when I had a heart attack and later strokes, I felt comforted.

I met my beloved husband in 1983-1984 and continued to experience changes in my life. There were also positive changes in his life over the years and in the lives of his children. His wife had died of cancer a few years before. He and is family were in trouble..."dysfunctional"... I believe the term is. I knew I loved this man deeply, but I also knew I had to be sure to take care of myself along my life journey...or I couldn't help them. The beauty of this story is that we ["my Bear" and I] are happily still together and married ...he is a recovering alcoholic for many years now...and his sons have had (through there were ups and downs) positive changes in their lives and people in their lives. I believe I was one of them. So you see....the fabric or the journey of our life is so complicated...people touch us and we touch people...for a reason.

But, let me get back to why my thoughts began to ramble on this morning. After a discussion with my husband....certain things triggered my memory (this is what usually happens to and I thought back to Harmonium. I thought fondly of a gentle co-worker/counselor there named Larry Laveman. So, I (of course)googled him. He is still at Harmonium and also has continued with his private practice in California....and he authored a book which I just have to get to read! It's called "Mysticism & Modern Life: Ancient Wisdom for Personal Growth".

Another very special person who touched my life was Penny Culbreth-Graft. As I mentioned above she was the Tribal Government Manager and I was her assistant. Penny was by far the most wonderful and supportive bosses I have ever had! I admired her abilities...her strength. She was also a very generous and supportive boss. I am forever grateful she ...for a time...was a part of my life.

On another line of thought...I think that some of these Blogs are a tool for reaching out in a healthy positive way also. I'll close for now....wishing all of you out there a very Merry, peace, joy to all.... Tricia/NWlambear

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dear Ancestor

Genealogy is one of my hobbies. (When I learn how to add links I'll connect this picture to my genealogy wed sites. I use: and FamilyTreemaker)

At times it has seemed like an obsession, but that is very common I'm told. When I could travel more I use to love to go to locations of my ancestors...where they lived, grew up, married, raised a with all of day we are gone....only our history remains. Those who love genealogy as I do search for it is that tell us a little more about our families. Back when I was in my forties...and some of my fifties....when I could travel more and..yes...even kneel (see pic to right....LOL) I would search wherever I could for clues... yes even cemeteries where my ancestors were laid to rest. My dear brother..Jon...even went around with me in DE and CT...and my sweet sister-in-law...Terry...too. But my biggest genealogy "buddy". Don't know if you will be able to read it, but I love the poem in the picture. Click on the pic and I think it will enlarge so you can read it. When I prepared Family Genealogy booklets for my children this was the front page. None of them seem to show much in interest in genealogy, but I understand. When I was a teenager, and in my 20's, and 30's, I didn't really think about it. But so many genealogist, I wonder...and I wish I had asked questions...took an interest before it was too late. But, I was busy being a teenage...then a young woman...going to school, working, then getting married, having children and raising my family. It's been a wonderful life and I have been blessed...
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Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Bit More About Me

You already know I'm 65, live in Ferndale, WA, but here's more about me:

  • I've been married to Brian (my second husband) since 1996, but have known him since 1983. We met in San Diego, CA. Were "engaged" from about...lets see...hmmm...about 12 Let just say I really wanted to be sure before I married again!

  • I have three grown children from my first marriage (of 20 years). Marriage ended in divorce. We were a Navy family, but it hit some rocks in the road after retirement in early 1970's and we never really recovered. Fortunately we are both remarried to what seem to be "better suited mates" now and our joint families are happy...we do see each other...and it makes it much better for children and grandchildren. It can happen!

  • Brian has three grown children from his previous marriage, but his wife died of cancer.

  • All combined children's names are Terry, Michele, Tom (but I admit I still call him "Tommy" sometimes), Mike and Chris (twins), and Orin (nickname "Butch")

  • Together Brian and I have six grandchildren (his, hers, theirs): Jonathan, Skyler, Alec (step-grandchild), Mackenzie and Noah and Brittany (who are step-grandchildren).

  • Brian and I have family in: PA, DE, VA, FL, SC, MD, CT, VT, NJ, NY, AZ, CA, and we are in WA.

  • Have attached a picture of my DH...Brian and I now... And say "Good Night" all dear Bloggers!

My Head is Spinning with Memories

It's been a busy few days for me here: (btw... that's me in pic above. Husband, Brian, and I spent a lovely afternoon up at Mt. Baker--I believe it was late October. There's tons of snow up there now! Anyway....
  • I got an email from a distant cousin that I didn't know I had....who has information for my on my maiden name-Lackie (sometimes spelled Lackey). He is 44 years around the age of my girls. His name is Bill Lackey and he connects with my great-grandfather--his great-great-grandfather. From there his line connects with a half-brother of my paternal grandfather. He lives in California, is a fire Captain, has been married 20 years, and has a daughter. I am thrilled that someone has finally contacted with me from the line it turns out he is new at genealogy and is amazed that he connected with me....someone from his family who has done genealogy. It's opened up so much new information for him! It's GREAT!! He has also connected with my niece/"genealogy buddy"...Karen (and she is closer to his age). He had read a post I did back in 1996...but he emailed me just to see if he got an answer--he didn't really expect to I think--so was he ever surprised. He had seen my genealogy on I love genealogy!!! So I have been at it...genealogy research...all day. Then...

  • Tonight I decided to check in on some of my favorite Blogs. always..I look in on "Sweet Savannah's" blog... (sorry, I don't yet know how to "link" things on here. From Sweet Savannah's Blog...I found another great site...from the picture of the bathroom Sweet Savannah said she would like to have. She had a "link" embedded (under "here"to go to the site of the bathroom. I think is was called "Whatever"..again sorry I don't know how to link yet. It has great photography and ideas for making gifts! I'll be following that blog too. Then...

  • This all brought me to remembering my earlier years, my children's earlier years, etc. etc. So...that brings me to figuring out how to compile my thoughts in words with pictures and "Blog" them. Wish I could snap my fingers and catch on to all the "techniques" of blogging overnight...sigh. I was quite good with computers and words before my strokes. That along with simply aging...has done "a job on me" to speak. But....I have wonderful memories still and I just have to "adjust" to aging...and learn to do it more gracefully...and be grateful for what I can do at age 65---almost 66. [Note to Myself: Make a list of what I want to].

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My youngest grandson - Skyler with his Dad....Tom - in Colorado

Was online visiting with my son and grandson via WLM using computer and cam

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Blogs I Follow:

Strolling on beach at sunset...